Oracle Business Intelligence vs. Microsoft Power BI

March 15, 2022


The world of data visualization is constantly evolving and businesses have multiple options for their requirements. Two major players in this field are Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) and Microsoft Power BI. Both OBI and Power BI bring their own strengths and weaknesses to data visualization. This post aims to compare the two products to help you decide which to choose for your business.


Oracle Business Intelligence

OBI provides a host of features for data visualization. It offers a comprehensive suite of analysis tools that can seamlessly integrate with third-party data sources. It also comes with a variety of charts, tables, and maps for visualizing data along with Storytelling features for dynamic storytelling with live interactions.

Microsoft Power BI

Power BI is Microsoft’s data visualization platform that offers interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end-users to create their own reports and dashboards. It allows users to connect and visualize data from multiple sources with a set of pre-built dashboards and reports.


Oracle Business Intelligence

OBI comes at a premium price. The license costs for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) is per processor licenses and the fee is around $14,000.

Microsoft Power BI

Power BI offers both free and paid versions. The basic version of Power BI is available for free, but limits usage to data sources up to 1GB. Users can purchase the Premium version for larger data volumes and more complex models.


Oracle Business Intelligence

OBI is compatible with different databases like Oracle, MySQL, and Teradata. It can be installed on-premises or on cloud-based servers, such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Microsoft Power BI

Power BI can connect with over 70 data sources, including Salesforce, Azure, and Google Analytics. It can be accessed from any device with a web browser, including Windows, Mac, and mobile devices.

Data Visualization

Oracle Business Intelligence

OBI offers comprehensive data exploration and visualization capabilities. It allows users to create interactive dashboards, visualize data with a wide range of graphs, charts, and tables, and dynamically adjust the view to analyze trends.

Microsoft Power BI

Power BI offers a range of data visualization options, such as bar charts, pie charts, and line graphs, as well as maps and custom visuals. Power BI’s dashboards are interactive, users can drill down into the data to discover insights.


In conclusion, both OBI and Power BI offer their own unique advantages for data visualization. OBI is best suited for complex data sets and advanced analytics. Power BI provides a more streamlined approach, perfect for users looking to quickly manage data from multiple sources. The decision ultimately boils down to your organization’s specific needs and budget. Do your research and choose the option that suits your business the best.


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